Hamsa Agrocultural Village

Hamsa village is an organic agricultural project that has been implemented In cooperation with the Turkish ministry of agriculture and water resources and the Tukrish Mesle company in 2020

The project is being carried out on  a  200-acre area  of land in the Kurdistan Region to enhance the agricultural industry. Strawberry, blueberry, mango, banana, avocado, pistachio, arunia, and dragon fruit are  among the fruits included in the project, as  are  the vegetables such as lettuce, ginger, turmeric, pink lady tomatoes, and  grains  such as wheat.

The project will  be  developed using the most recent agricultural science and technology, and it will be sold to other nations and worldwide markets.

The project includes: Planting and growing, preparing the product after picking, packing and transporting the goods to a cold storage facility. The project will develop new and innovative coolants, as well as a contemporary packaging plant where items may be cleaned, washed & packaged.